Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Task 2. Get Real - No More Excuses

So, yesterday afternoon I came home to find Michelle had uploaded a video outlining the requirements of task 2.

Basically, it's time to identify all of the excuses you would use not to exercise/lose weight/help yourself. Then it was time to come up with solutions for each of these excuses. Realistically, 99% of them are just that. Excuses. They are excuses that can be worked through, thrown away, whatever.

I wont type up everything I came up with, but these are the main ones:

  • No time
  • No babysitter
  • No energy
  • Too hard/not fit enough
  • Too hot/cold
  • Too tired
  • I have a headache, didn't drink enough water today
  • Not motivated
  • Too busy/have to cook dinner/do housework/work back
  • I haven't done any exercise all week, what's another day without it?
  • Don't feel like it
  • Can't find anything comfortable to exercise in
  • It's too late/early
  • Didn't wash my clothes
  • I won't succeed anyway, so why bother
  • my little boy is sick/wants his mummy/unhappy, I should be with him
  • What's the point?
I am having a hard time with the internal excuses. I have failed so many times, I feel like I am not worthy/useless/unmotivated/lazy. It is time to wake up to the fact that I need to do this for me. No one else can push me out the door to go for a run. My husband is fully supportive, as he is every time I try and lose weight. He seems even more enthusiastic than usual that I am doing this program. In the past I have blamed him when I fall off the wagon. I have now realised, it's not him. Yes, he brought the bad food into the house, but he didn't shovel it into my mouth. I did that. All by myself. It is my responsibility and it's time to take action.

I know all the other excuses I can work around. They are going to take some planning, and may take some time to get over the mummy guilt of not being there for my son as much as I have been or would like to. I have to think of it in a different way. The more exercise I do, the more weight I will lose and the more energy I will have to run around and play with my son. He will benefit way more than he would having me here when I'm fat, frumpy, unfit and unhappy.

I have to ignore those little voices in my head once and for all. It's time for a new way of thinking, and a new way of living.

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